Blog | CIMx


Written by Kristin McLane | December 27, 2019 at 2:00 PM

Over the last year, I have established a daily morning routine that includes gratitude.  I wake early, sit at the kitchen counter with the first coffee of the day (it won’t be the last), read a short passage (I change the book each year) and then write for a few moments of gratitude. 

It can be easy to think of a few things (I choose 3 each day) that I am grateful for.  What’s more meaningful for me, and more difficult, is knowing why they are meaningful.  Being able to see the journey behind the gratitude.  What was possible because of that event?  What was I able to accomplish that I otherwise might not have been?  What was it that made my life more meaningful, joyful or full?

The entire CIMx family are grateful for you.  Thank you for following us over the last year, being part of our family.  We know how precious time is and hope that you found the piece of it that you spent with us meaningful.  To go deeper than most holiday greetings, let me tell you why we are grateful. 

What do you make possible by interacting with us?  Each interaction, whether customer or prospect, gets reviewed in our daily standups.  The ideas that you create from us working with you, answering your questions and providing you the information or product(s) that you need, makes us stronger.  We embed the contribution of all of you into each new interaction that we have.  We get better and our products do too.

What are we able to accomplish that we otherwise might not have?  This year, we’ve been very focused on the benefits of Production Control and the criticality of both true Inventory Management and Scheduling to making that happen.  When we attack a problem like this, we’re bound to ask you for help.  You may remember being in a demo with us or launching the new release on your production shop floor.  Your feedback to us on these areas of our tools this year led to many new product improvements.  The product got stronger. 

What was it that made our lives more meaningful, joyful or full?  This year, we were able to launch a program to help smaller manufacturers benefit from the same tools that we have put at the very largest manufacturers in the world.  In today’s landscape, it’s impossible to compete without having complete operational control.  You lose money in every possible place in production without it.  These tools can be expensive or empty (explanation later).  Either way, these are not helpful to most mid-tier manufacturers. 

[What is an empty product?  One that arrives just that way – void of information.  You buy it and then have to spend months putting your information into it in order to run your shop floor.  You just don’t have that kind of time.]

You made us better, stronger, more complete.  We took everything that you offered with humility, openness and gratitude.  Thank you for working with us.  For engaging with us.  For considering us as a partner.  We appreciate it. 

In 2020, we will continue to roll out meaningful tools for manufacturers that are affordable, on-target and competitive.  We are here to help.    

Ask us the questions you have.  You will find that we are far more reachable than other software providers you may partner with.  We are here to help you find the right tools and use them, whether they are ours or not.  Sometimes, a simple Google doc can do what you need and we'll help you with that, too.  

We believe in the critical importance of manufacturing right here in North America and we work hard to keep you working.  To learn more about meeting your targets for 2020 or just getting a question answered, visit us at