From capacity planning to simulation, meet the most robust out-of-the-box scheduling tool on the market.


Capacity Planning

Build a schedule based on the actual assets you have available, from inventory to people to machines or let Quantum do it for you automatically. Need to take a machine down for maintenance? No problem. Quantum will calculate the outcome of that missing piece in your production line instantly and let you know if any jobs you're working on will be late.

Loading Simulation

REWRITE Need to know if you can complete a particular piece of work on time? Quantum tells you that instantly for all the current work you have and even lets you insert planned work to see what the schedule looks like in the coming weeks and months. Make delivery promises when you take your customer orders that are tight to a date and not just a guess.

Real-time Schedules

Move past the spreadsheets or Andon boards that give you a look at the work based on the last input, which can often be the start of the day or the shift. Quantum gives you real-time scheduling with updates every second or so. You know the minute something finishes and the moment that an issue arises.


Maximize On-Time Orders

With a live schedule that updates by the moment, you know that you will be on-time or can make the adjustments necessary to do so. Quantum provides alerts for work that is falling behind and warnings for Orders that will be late.

Complete What-If Analysis

Complete a situational analysis at the click of a button. Use it to see if you can commit to a new work order with a tight delivery timeline. See what work centers will back up if you take a machine offline for maintenance. Need to rotate work because one or more workers is on furlough? No problem with Quantum.

Learn more about Quantum.  

Choose one or more areas below to explore.  Or call us.  We're the most reachable software company on earth.  Try us.

Process Design

Design one or more processes from simple routings to complex sets of integrated process steps. Ensure that every step of your process is followed.

Engineered Parts

Create your product designs and the process to manufacture them, whether it's a simple routing, a job packet or a complex set of integrated process steps.

Process Manufacturing

Control basic and complex process-driven manufacturing with a platform that gives you the tools to both design and run them.

Inventory Management

Track every material, part, sub-assembly and tool used throughout production for complete, end-to-end traceability for industry and customer compliance.

Process Control

Manage every step of the processes you are running on your shop floor, whether it's a simple routing, a job packet or a complex set of integrated process steps.

Production Control

Manage every job on your shop floor on-time without opening a spreadsheet or tracking down a routing, whether you have one big job or 1,000s all at once.

Quality Control & Engineering

Demand complete compliance with your processes and your audit requirements. Reallocate work automatically or on-demand with the touch of a button.

Business Analytics

Make your factory SMART with tools from design through automated data capture. Get the data you need when and how you need it with the touch of a button.



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