Eliminate Errors and Defects

Production Control for your processes and your quality

Identify quality issues.

You need to know what's going right (and wrong) on your shop floor to know where production issues are and how to solve them.  Your employees need immediate help when something goes wrong and you need real-time access to all your records to help them.  You need to make quick decisions and you need them to be right.   

Quantum gives you real-time access to your Production Operations.  It has all the information you need to make decisions, manage production and reduce both defects and escapes.  Give your team the right information the first time; adjust and refine it as you go, knowing that Quantum will capture it all in the permanent record.  You make it right and Quantum proves it. 

Improve quality.

Do you know the number and type of quality issues you have in Production Operations? Can you get a trend line?  How often does it happen and where?  Your team today is likely getting rid of issues - doing rework or whatever it takes to get product out the door.  Give them the tools they need to see the problems before they happen and truly get rid of them.  

Quantum tracks every movement on your shop floor.  It knows when and where issues happen, how they were resolved and how long it took.  Identify the root cause of errors. Pinpoint where, why and how often  they occur whether it's one work center, job or person that's the problem.  Know the cost of issues and get automatic workarounds to get back on track quickly.  

Quantum identifies issues before they become problems.

Are your production defect and customer return rates continuing to rise? 

Quantum tracks every issue in your shop - defects, scrap, customer returns.  Identify root causes; track them back to their source.  Know when and why customers are returning product. 

Have you missed customer promise dates or delayed jobs due to quality issues?

Quantum tracks quality issues and automatically adjusts your production schedule to keep everyone working while the problem is fixed.  Scrap only when necessary. 

Do you struggle with consistency in your product's appearance or performance?

Quantum ensures you capture quality metrics throughout production.  Know how your team is performing while they're doing the work. Fix issues before they cause scrap. 

Quantum gives you one-touch access to solving production problems.

Do you know how much money you're losing on scrap?

Quantum tracks the cost of your completed production process, including scrap.  Compare actual and expected time and cost.  Track scrap; compare performance over time. 

Is your quality inspection team stretched too thin?  

Quantum makes quality checks easy.  Collect and compare data with the touch of a button.  Let your team drive quality rather than respond to it. Reduce scrap sustainably. 

How do you calculate your Cost of Quality (COQ)?

Quantum tracks the cost of everything in your shop, from one person to a job.    Know how much time you spend capturing quality data and get a complete picture of your costs.  

"We're shipping over 25% more orders on-time with Quantum and the same staff."
"We're running 400 orders a week and Quantum tracks every order through every process step, helping us to continually ship on-time."
"I'm avoiding many emergencies across production with Quantum workflow data."
"I can shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."