Reduce Costs

Production Control for your budget and profitability

Identify your spend. 

You need to know where you're spending too much to know where you can save it.  Your financials reflect the past but they don't help you know how you're performing today and the age-old 'reduce costs by budgeting' routine just isn't working.  You need to pinpoint exactly where you can change things to save money.

Quantum gives you real-time access to your Production Operations.  It tracks expenses in your production cycles over time so you can address bad trends.  Quantum tells you which work centers, jobs, tasks and team members are more (and less) efficient.  It feeds your team the right information at the right time, raising the efficiency of everyone.  Quantum aligns your production planning and the work, saving you both time and money. You prioritize the work and Quantum optimizes it for you. 

Reduce your spend. 

Do you know what you're spending in Production Operations before the end of the month or quarter? Are you wasting money by carrying too much inventory?  Are your orders behind and costing you pricey increased shipping?  Are you paying overtime because your Production Operations team is not efficient enough during the day?  Give yourself the data you need 

Quantum tracks the time and money you're spending on your shop floor.  It knows when you're over or under what you expected, and where the overruns happened.  Identify where you are actually spending time and money.  Align your production planning with your processes and your resources; adjust it daily as things change or let Quantum handle it for you. Identify problems early and re-route work to an available station.  Automate work to focus on the highest priority and highest profit jobs. 

Quantum identifies cost issues before they become problems.

Does your team wait for work when you have production problems? 

Quantum updates your schedule in real-time.  Reroute work to available workstations and people.  Automatically push work to production.  Meet your production deadlines.  

Do you miss customer promise dates because you don't have visibility?

Quantum automatically alerts you when an order has the potential to finish late.  Move work when you need to.  Apply additional resources.  Get the job done on-time.

Are you losing time and money with production errors and quality issues?

Quantum identifies errors early and provides immediate, pre-approved workarounds for your team.  Track issues automatically and create a plan to avoid them. 

Quantum gives you actionable ways to drive down costs and increase profit.

Do you need to increase capacity without adding people?

Quantum automates processes and eliminates information silos.  Give your team the information, materials and time to do their work.  Optimize capacity with existing resources. 

Are rising production costs cutting your profitability?

Quantum tracks expected and actual  costs of every step of your production so you know exactly where you're spending money.  Make decisions with all the data to support them. 

Do you know where you are losing money and time?

Quantum tells you where processes cost you more time and money than expected.  Compare historical performance of any product you make at the touch of a button. 

"We've reduced quality defects during production by 82%."
"I can find and eliminate my work center problems quickly and easily. Work center productivity has increased by 38%. I am maximizing my throughput and meeting shipping deadlines."
"Quantum helps to me shift work around from my desk to avoid problems and roadblocks."